Le petit Prince Baby short sleeve onesies
Design Le petit Prince Baby
<p> The Little Prince is a French-language work, the best known of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Published in 1943 in New York simultaneously with its English translation, it is a poetic and philosophical work in the guise of a children's story. </P> <h3> Did you know? </H3> <p> Little Prince is the second most translated book in the world after the Bible. Translated into three hundred and sixty-one languages. </P> <h3> Friendship is what? </H3> <p> It is thanks to the teaching of the fox that the little prince discovers the depth of the 'friendship: </p> <ul> <li>' We only see well with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye. </Li> <li> "You become responsible forever for what you have tamed. </Li> <li> "It's the time you lost for your rose making your rose so important. </Li> <li> "Right in front of you you can not go far. "</Li> </ul>