Evil Monkey Clown Tote Bag
by NG Design
100% Polyester - fabric 26x33x6cm
Print the tote bag with the colors of your choice! You are not limited to a color as sometimes does the competition!
The Bag tote is white. Trendy, elegant, vintage, practical or sporty, you can make this bag the use you want. The personalized tote bag is the fashionable accessory that you can collect and tune with all your outfits.
This bag is used by the masters and parents of GAN or Kindergarten to store the affairs of the child.
This bag is used by companies during seminars to put documents and goodies to distribute before a meeting.
Design Evil Monkey Clown Tote
The black background of the image provides a stark contrast to the monkey's white face. The monkey's smile is sinister, and the blood flowing from its mouth gives the impression that it has just committed a macabre act. The dark colors add to the sense of menace, and it's clear that this is not a friendly or fun animal. On the contrary, the image conveys a sense of danger and threat. It is an animal that should not be underestimated and it is clear that it is capable of doing harm. The image is both shocking and intriguing, and it's sure to provoke a reaction from those who see it. The image is both shocking and intriguing, and is sure to provoke a reaction from those who see it. It's a powerful example of the potential for violence and bloodshed, and it leaves a lasting impression on the viewer.